Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Things

Well my posts have been less frequent as I have gained more Independence in life and allowed to have some of my normal tasks back. My Mother-in-law is stepping back to allow me more time as caregiver. I have survived thus far and the boys have been extra helpful by not napping. Ugh! Some days are longer than others. Last week I reached my clearance to begin driving and yesterday was my first solo trip. I ventured out to Fred Meyers at 7 am to miss most of the other drivers. I did my grocery shopping and then returned home. Today I drove myself to Church as all the boys have a cold. I sure feel more independent. I only wish I could stop by Starbucks and treat myself. It will come. I also attended the Salvation Army Teddy Bear Tea with my Mom. I had 20 bears that we entered this year and we got 1 First Place and 2 Second Place ribbons. Yeah! I came home and with my Mom's help, finished some Snickers cupcakes that Darren will bring into work tomorrow.

What else... sad news.... Today at Church was Communion. This is usually a great time for me where I can refocus on Christ and the gift our heavenly Father gave us. Because of my inability to swallow, I was unable to participate. I still was able to reconnect with God, but this symbol was missing. This really hit me hard, almost like a slap to the face. I am not sure why their is a delay in my swallow returning, but it sure is hard on me. Please pray for me strength and endurance through this. I just want to eat again and I know God can heal this too. I have been so blessed already, but I am begging for this.

Thanks again!


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